
DML(Database Modification Language

###### 表 ######
## 增   --- insert
1. 查询表字段的约束
desc bname
insert into mysql.user() values()
insert mysql.user(字段1,字段2,。。) values(值1,值2.。)
insert mysql.user values(全部值)

## 删   ---- delete
delete from mysql.user; # 不要出现很危险  删除表中的所有的数据
delete from mysql.user where 1=1;
delete from mysql.user where user=root and host='loalhost';
delete from mysql.user where user=root or user=kjt;

## 改   ---- update
update mysql.user set user=kjt where user=root and host='localhost'


# 添加一个状态列  enum类型的状态列
alter table zls.stu30 add status enum('0','1') not null default '0' comment '0代表no 1代表yes';

# 全表status列 设置为1
update zls.stu30 set status='1' where 1=1;

# 使用 update修改其中一列  的status
update zls.stu30 set status='0' where id=1;

# 查询语句中加上判断
select * from zls.stu30 where status='1';

DCLDatabase Control Language)

# --- 授权  grant
grant all on *.* to root@'%' identified by '123';

# max_queries_per_hour:一个用户每小时可发出的查询数量  默认登录会查询一次数据库
grant all on *.* to 111@'%' identified by '123' with max_queries_per_hour 2;   

# max_updates_per_hour:一个用户每小时可发出的更新数量update
grant all on *.* to 111@'%' identified by '123' with max_queries_per_hour 2 max_updates_per_hour 2;  

# max_connections_per_hour:一个用户每小时可连接到服务器的次数
grant all on *.* to 111@'%' identified by '123' with max_connections_per_hour 1;

# max_user_connections:允许同时连接数量
grant all on *.* to 111@'%' identified by '123' with max_user_connections 2;
# --- 回收权限 revoke
revoke select on *.* from 111@'%';

DQLDatabase Query Language)

### show
show databases;
show tables;
show tables from zls;
show create database zls;
show create table zls.stu30;
# 查询用户
show grants for test111@'%';
# 查询内置变量
show variables like '%char%';
# 查询存储引擎
show engines;
# 查询MySQL支持的字符集
show charset;
# 查询MySQL支持的校验规则
show collation;
# 查询 MySQL后台的语句
show processlist;
show full processlist;
### desc 查询表结构
desc mysql.user
### select

## 全盘扫描
select * from mysql.user;
## 单条件查询
select * from mysql.user where user=root;
## 多条件查询
select * from mysql.user where user=root or user=kjt;
## 成员查询
select * from mysql.user where user in ('root','kjt')
## 联合查询---union all
select * from mysql.user where user=root union all select * from mysql.user where user=kjt;
## 范围查询 ( < 、 > 、 >= 、 <= 、 <> 、 !=)
select * from city where id<10;
## 模糊查询----like
select * from mysql.user where user like '%oo%';
select * from mysql.user where user like 'roo%';
select * from mysql.user where user like '%oot';

## 排序查询------order by
# 正序 
select * from city where countrycode like 'H%' order by population;
# 倒序
select * from city where countrycode like 'H%' order by population desc;

## 分页---- limit
select * from mysql.user limit 5;
select * from mysql.user limit 10,5;
#### MySQL 自带的函数

## 去重复

### 分组查询 group by
# max()      -- 最大
# min()      -- 最小
# avg()      -- 平均
# sum()      -- 求和
# count()    -- 统计

2.形容词前group by

root@localhost:world 02:52:25>select * from city limit 5;
| ID | Name           | CountryCode | District      | Population |
|  1 | Kabul          | AFG         | Kabol         |    1780000 |
|  2 | Qandahar       | AFG         | Qandahar      |     237500 |
|  3 | Herat          | AFG         | Herat         |     186800 |
|  4 | Mazar-e-Sharif | AFG         | Balkh         |     127800 |
|  5 | Amsterdam      | NLD         | Noord-Holland |     731200 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

## 统计世界每个国家的总人数
1.遇到统计想函数 sum()
2.形容词前groupby group by countrycode
3.函数中央是名词 sum(population)
4.列名select后添加 select 国家,总人口数

select countrycode,sum(population) from city group by countrycode;

# 统计中国各个省的人口数量
1.遇到统计想函数 sum()
2.形容词前groupby groupby district
3.函数中央是名词 sum(population)
4.列名select后添加 select countrycode,district,sum(population)

select District,sum(Population) from city group by District;

# 统计每个国家的城市数量
1.遇到统计想函数 count()
2.形容词前groupby group by countrycode
3.函数中央是名词 count(name)
4.列名select后添加 select countrycode,count(name)

select CountryCode,count(Name) from city group by CountryCode;

# 统每个国家的每个省的城市数量(练习)
select District,count(Name) from city group by District;
select CountryCode,District,count(Name) from city group by District,CountryCode;

# 统中国的每个省的城市数量(练习)
select District,count(Name) from city where CountryCode='CHN' group by District;

select sname,ssex,class from student;

select depart from teacher group by depart;

SELECT * FROM student;

select * from score where mark>'60' and mark<'80';

select * from score where mark='85' or mark='86' or mark='88';

select * from student where ssex='0';

select * from Student order by class desc;

select * from score order by cno;

select count(class) from  where class='2';

select student.sanme,score.mark from student,score where student.sno=score.sno and con='1';

select teacher.tname,score.make from student,score,teacher where student.sno=score.sno and con='2' and ssex='1';


from city,country,countrylanguage
where country.Code=countrylanguage.CountryCode 
and city.CountryCode=country.Code 
and country.Population<100;

from city join country
where city.Population<100

from city join country
on city.CountryCode=country.Code
join countrylanguage
on country.Code=countrylanguage.CountryCode 
where city.Population<100;